A Pain in the Butt, or a Pain in the Back?

Article by Kari Watson

Could your leg pain actually be coming from your back? Let’s take a look at pain originating from the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in your body.

What is Sciatica?

Pain along the course of the Sciatic nerve that extends down the back of the thigh, lower leg and into the foot

What is the Sciatic Nerve?

Largest nerve in the body. Originates from the lower part of the spine runs between the sit bones and hip underneath the buttock muscles down the back of the leg and branches into different nerves at the knee.

How can Sciatica occur?

There are a number of ways Sciatica can originate:

  • Irritation anywhere along the course of the nerve
  • Joint inflammation
  • Pressure on nerve from a herniated disc in the spine
  • Spine degeneration

Symptoms of Sciatica

  • Pain in the back of the leg
  • Burning or tingling down the leg
  • Leg or foot weakness
  • Leg or foot numbness
  • Pain on one side of calf
  • Pain can vary between dull, aching, sharp, shooting and burning

Treatment for Sciatic

A thorough Physiotherapy history and assessment should be able to find the most probable source of the nerve irritation. Following this a variety of techniques such as exercise, electrical modalities, or dry needling can be used to reduce the pressure on the nerve. Once pain relief has been achieved then further exercises are aimed at restoring flexibility and strength A small portion of sciatic cases will not respond to conservative treatment and may require surgery.

Reference List

  • Kendall, F. P. (1993) Muscles Testing and Function. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
  • Kisner, C & Colby, L. A. (2007) Therapeutic Exercise. Philadelphia: Davis Company
  • http://physioworks.com.au

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